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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Birthday Parties

Ella had a great birthday.  She's a lucky little girl because she has three sets of grandparents.  She also has a fair amount of Aunts and Uncles.  We decided that Ella didn't need to have an official birthday party as we were going to leave on vacation the following weekend.  She still managed to have four birthday parties.  She had a small one with my parents, Devin's dad and step mom, Devin's Grandma's and, Devin's moms sisters.  Here's a snap shot of the gifts she received.  I honestly am glad we didn't have a party with friends; it would have just been too much.  As much as I want a little boy next, I don't know what would will do with all of the pink things....

1 comment:

  1. What a loved little wonderful, sweet girl!!!!!
