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Thursday, April 12, 2012


Well since everyone posted about Easter, I figured I should too.  We did NOTHING for Easter.  I feel like a horrible mother for not doing something for Ella.  We were smack dab in the middle of a move though.  Ella got a brand new room for Easter and the Easter bunny was so exhausted he forgot eggs.  We basically unpacked all day and had a nice family dinner at Del Taco.  I was much too tired to attempt to make a ham dinner although I swore all day I would.  I promised my little bug that next year we would go all out.  How wonderful she won't remember this parenting fail.

As a side note, Ella's Grandma Floo and Grandpa Moosie bought her a very large sheep that she has named Baaah :)

Hope everyone else had a wonderful Easter.

1 comment:

  1. It's not a failure and Ella didn't know the difference!!!!!! I think moving in was a pretty good gift from the Easter Bunny!!!!
