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Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Devin and I had our first anniversary last Friday.  It was a nice day and we were fortunate that my parents came here and watched Ella.  He got me a beautiful bouquet of flowers and we went to the Melting Pot that night.  I have been wanting to go to the Melting Pot for YEARS.  I am pleased to say that it was amazing and so yummy! 

A lot of people told me that marriage would change things.  I don't know if they meant that in a bad way or a good way but, they really haven't for Devin and I.  Often we wonder if it's because we were already living as if we were married.  Don't get me wrong, I love being married I am just saying it just didn't change us.  I am just as in love with him as I was when I married him.  We work well together and I think there is a good balance between us.  Not only do we work well together as a couple but we work well together as parents.  I think that's important.  He is the Yin to my Yang.  I am eager to see what the future holds for us and our little family.  

1 comment:

  1. awwwww.. you are a great couple and fantastic parents! Love you and MSIL and of course, AAAAAah!
