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Saturday, September 29, 2012


We are thrilled that little Miss. Ella is potty trained.  We had been putting off really working with her for awhile now.  This year has just been so busy that we really hadn't had a great time to focus on it.  A couple Friday's ago, I just decided we would do it.  I felt like she was ready and that she had been ready for awhile.  Saturday, we put her in big girl underwear and gave her as many water cuppies as she could drink.  Of course, she absolutely loved this.  She had three accidents at first but really understood the feeling of being wet.  After her first three accidents, she went the rest of the day in the potty.  Sunday was a bit challenging because we had to take a friend home.  Monday, we took her to daycare and we told them about what we did, they fully backed us on it and told us they would take her to the potty.  It has been two weeks since then and we have had very few accidents.  We are able to take her our in big girl underwear and she goes on the big potties.  She's doing so well and we are so proud how quickly she was able to pick it up.  

1 comment:

  1. A's Grandma and Papa are so proud of her too! What a big, smart girl!!!!!
