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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Two :)

Our sweet little bug turned Two on Tuesday =) We are just so proud of our little bug.  
We went for her well baby appointment today.  We found out that since she's two she gets to stand on the big scale as opposed to laying on the scale - she was so happy!  
She is 33.25 inches and 26.5 pounds :) 50% for height and 65% for weight. 
The doctor was very impressed by her.  He said that she is perfectly on track and her speech skills are amazing. She has hit everything right on or before target.  The only thing really that he has us watching is her weight.  The last couple months she seems to be losing weight.  We're going to go back at the end of July to do a weight check.  The doctor just doesn't want to see her keep dropping.  Nothing to worry about, just something to be aware of.  He says that it happens but that we just want to keep an eye on it.  

I think I could go on forever about this little girl.  Here are a some of the things she does/loves:

She is stringing multiple words together 
She is aware of when she has to go potty (working on potty training soon)
She can sing her ABC's up to about L and then can sing the rest with help
She has a wonderful little imagination
She has different voices for her various friends
She is getting to the point of dressing herself
She can jump
She has the best time playing with her kitchen
She typically always needs a book with her
She LOVES to talk on the phone
She can play the kazoo/harmonica ;)
She LOVES to dance

Our little bug seems to be growing far too quickly.  We just love this little girl so much.  Happy Birthday Ella Yun!

1 comment:

  1. We loved being there to see her turn two! She really is totally amazing and we adore her!!!!!
