I am not on here nearly enough and, probably should be documenting more of the things happening as Ella is growing so quickly....I guess I can just give a small recap of the last month.
1. Ella Turned One (this was such an amazing day and we were so thankful to all the family and friends who came out and showered her with so much love.)
2. FAMILY the entire month pretty much has been full of family...Devin's mom and step dad came in, his grandparents, his sister, and my parents :) LOTS and LOTS of family. We are really lucky to have such wonderful parents and siblings. I hear horror stories about in-laws so, I think I got super lucky in that aspect.
3. Camping, Ella went on her first camping trip....it wasn't the camping I grew up with (tents, sleeping bags and, fishing) but, we stayed in Devin's dads really nice RV :) It was a good trip and I enjoyed spending time with the family.
4. Externship, this whole month I have been doing my externship at Trillium Specialty Hospital. I am eagerly awaiting the end of this madness so that I can find a job :).
5. Blu-Ray player, I know this may seem random to most people but, getting a blu-ray player was an exciting thing for us :) It's great because we can stream Netflix on it....
I think that has been our last month in a nutshell...It's been a crazy month but, I've enjoyed a majority of it ;)
I will try and post more frequently...